Taking Control of Conflict


How You Will Benefit

When you think of your job, conflict probably—hopefully—isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But have you ever found yourself complaining about having to work with a colleague who is particularly stubborn or bossy? Or perhaps replaying an encounter with your supervisor that left you feeling frustrated? Most people have been involved in some form of conflict in the workplace, its extent ranging from mild disagreements to explosive standoffs.
In fact, a study by CPP, Inc. found that 85 percent of employees at all levels experience conflict to some degree, and that employees spend a staggering 2.8 hours per week dealing with conflict—the equivalent of $359 billion of paid hours. Another study, cited by Psychometrics Canada, found that 76 percent of respondents have seen conflict result in personal insults and attacks, and 81 percent have seen conflict lead to someone leaving the organization.
Clearly, conflict can be an obstacle to organizational success and personal job satisfaction. When two or more people work together, conflict is almost inevitable. Although you may not eliminate conflict entirely, you can take control of it—that is, create a positive working environment in which conflict is dealt with maturely and collaboratively. This program will show you how to do just that. By identifying the source of conflict and implementing effective resolution strategies, you’ll learn how to successfully handle conflict and even prevent unnecessary conflict from occurring in the first place

Course Objectives

When you complete this course, you will be able to:
•Identify your preferred strategy for handling conflict.
•Understand the characteristics and drawbacks of each typical approach to conflict.
•Recognize the various sources of conflict that most often occur in the workplace.
•Implement strategies for effectively resolving conflicts that stem from each source.
•Practice behaviors that minimize conflict.
•Proactively address issues before they escalate into problems.

Key Topics Covered

This course explores the following subjects in-depth:
•The five strategies that people use for managing conflict, as well as the underlying theory and model behind them.
•When it is appropriate to use each of the conflict strategies and how to overcome the habit of overusing any one approach.
•Creating a conflict resolution plan to think clearly during conflicts instead of succumbing to stress and automatic responses.
•The process of “unpacking” a complex, layered conflict with multiple sources.
•How to model the right behaviors by practicing active listening.
•Communicating clearly and tactfully about sensitive issues that are causing tension.
•Establishing formal and informal expectations to prevent unnecessary conflict.

What the Course Offers

•Interactive learning setting

•Opportunity to apply the concepts in a risk-free environment

•Thorough set of materials: Instructor Guide,Participant Guide, classroom PowerPointpresentation, and one-page Learning Summary