Critical thinking skills


How Critical Thinking Enables You

Think independently.
Make better decisions.
Deal with change quickly and effectively.
Solve problems systematically.
Think more creatively.
Increase self-reflection.

Be Curious and Think Like a Kid

Take a “naïve observer” perspective instead ofbeing a know-it-all.
Show some humility; don’t let pride or ego get inthe way of clear thinking.
Ask questions that reflect your willingness to graspand accept new ideas and conclusions
Project inquisitiveness and excitement rather thanskepticism or negativity



Someone who is flexible:
Is open to new information and adapts easily
Considers alternative points of view
Deals with ambiguity without stressing out
Common Sense
Common sense is about:
Paying attention to the obvious
Verification and accuracy
Consider the source

Critical Thinking Mistakes

Rationalization: arises from a desire to avoidbeing wrong or not wanting to accept anotherconclusion
Emotional Thinking: reacting to a feeling,emotional language or engaging in wishfulthinking
Biases: includes confirmation bias, hindsightbias, recency effect, and overconfidence
Tunnel Vision: Conditioning that causes us tobehave in certain patterns

The Three E’s
Identify the issue or problem.
Collect information.
Interpret information.
Uncover assumptions and biases
Brainstorm alternative explanations or solutions
Assess explanation or solutions
Reach a conclusion

Brainstorming Techniques

Mind mapping: Start with your issue orproblem in the center and create branches ofsub-topics, and branch out from those until youcapture all of the ideas related to the issue.
Drawing: Think of an issue or problem. Drawany pictures that come into your mind withouttrying to make them look decipherable. Thenlook at them and see what ideas or solutionsarise from them.
Brainwriting: Get a group to write their ideasfor how to solve the problem on their ownsheets of paper and rotate the sheets todifferent people and build off what the lastperson wrote.
Reverse brainstorming: Instead of asking, “Howcan I solve this problem?” ask, “How can Icreate this problem?”
Role model: Brainstorm ideas as if you wereyour role model, or a public figure you admire.